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Representing a group of individuals is a team leader

Leadership is much more than just monitoring the things

Representation of people will definitely come under observation in due course of time for reasons known to all.

Authority, leadership, teamwork and many more things have been of great concern lately because of the frequent decline in the performance of the teams.

Each individual has his own potential, his own desire, and his own way of working out the things in order to get the end results.  The potential and capacity may vary from one individual to another, but then each individual most of the times is aware about his strength and limitations.

Representing a group of people is a leader, who has got a vision, an insight into his work and who is able to guide, handle, and show way to the rest of the individuals, who are working under him.

There are several different groups and each group has got its own leader.  The classification goes on further as far as a leader is concerned with respect to each group.  What comes into focus is something which is very much annoying. 

The classification of leaders is done keeping in mind the responsibilities that they can handle and as such the level of difference between a leader and the group of people that the leader is representing is very minimal in terms of knowledge, skill, and executing the task. In fact so diminishing is the level of difference between the leaders of different group of individuals that the term leader, group leader/monitor is of little or no significance.

If there is a certain possibility that needs to be looked out for then there are ways and means of exploring that possibility.  A group of people who is working together definitely needs an authority, a leader, but then the leader must have the potential and the capacity not only to handle the team, but also to look at the things as and when things go wrong.

Keeping a track of the things that are been done is like maintaining a record, further there is a constant monitoring over the way in which things are getting done, which itself is of no use i.e. the efforts have proved to be futile in long term, so what is the purpose of doing all these things.

In short the answer to the question that comes to the mind is this is a sort of pretending game, the question that which gets raised is What is this all going on for?

The approach of an individual towards getting things done is as important as is the fact with regards to how good or bad the team performs.  In fact the approach of a team towards looking at the things and getting things done is at the same moment of time very important.

Thus finally all that can be said is that we need leaders, but then the need of the hour is not just leaders for filling out vacant posts, but leaders who can determine the right ways of getting things done, those who have the ability of listening to others, finding out ways, and most important thing those who have the potential of shouldering a responsibility instead of finding an escape route from time to time.  Thus it is very important to know the job that you are doing.


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