Following a certain type of trend is very much different from what was initially thought as an idea, worked out keeping in mind the same i.e. that there is an idea that has come across the mind and then all of a sudden the mind comes across something fascinating, something of which an application can be made into the idea that is still there in the mind, the idea remains as it is, intact. Diverted are the thoughts that which were initially directed towards the fact that an idea will get worked out, that which will then generate something substantial, substantial in the form of gain i.e. either as a gift, or by cash. When it comes to teamwork there are going to be differences amongst individuals, but then each one has his own set of ideas, thoughts and approach. Every individual knows his own limitations and his own strengths. Based upon the fact as to how well an individual knows himself it is quite possible that an individual can make his own decision and break out from the ...