Reviewed, revised, recollected, remembered, reconciled, reformed and finally ready to take a plunge. Reviewed in detail all the facts and figures related to the assigned task. Made a note of the headings and the important features that come across as one proceeds towards the execution of the task. Revised what was reviewed and kept in mind as to how to correlate with the changes that have taken place keeping in mind the latest trend. Recollected all that what was possible keeping in mind what are the key strengths and weakness as far as the subject is concerned, the only reason being that common mistakes must not be made. Remembered specifically a few things so that I am able to delineate the details of what was read, reviewed, revised and recollected. Finally reconciled all the things from the past with the present so that before taking a final plunge things do not go wrong. Things have changed a lot in the past few years, but then still the basic elements remain the...