It is the mind that thinks upon and designs certain things. At the same time it also decides about things. At times it is the confidence of a person upon himself that tells him to make a move and then if the timing is wrong a person suffers a setback. However, one must be brave and capable enough to take the setback into his stride and work out things for the future. At times it is only after a fall that a person learns how to handle things. Everything was planned very meticulously, the planning was so meticulous that when an individual would take a complete view of the entire planning that was done, then to that individual, the planning would appear as if like a design. The most interesting facet and intention behind the process of planning was that if the planning when brought into action is successful, then the design will be followed by the rest for same type of tasks. Planning things is such a process that it takes place at different stages by differe...