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Showing posts from May 9, 2011

If You Chase Two Rabbits Both Will Escape

There is a proverb which states, "A bird in hand is better than two in the bush" which means that if you have something definite in hand then it is better than putting all your efforts into that direction, where (as a person) you only know that there is something, but not very much sure about the thing that you know.  In the same way, if you focus and concentrate on things that are areas of your interest, but in doing so get carried away by the fact that something more can be done to an already done task then things start falling out.  One thing is for sure and that is the fact that if things do not seem to fall in place and at the same point of time, things seem to be going out of control, then the first thing that needs to be done is to take control of the things and then at a certain point reevaluate the entire situation and then move forward. Simply because things are not falling in place and everything seems to be going out of control, in such a situation taking a decis...