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It's never too late for a person to take the right path and move ahead

It is not always possible for a person to do all the things correctly and get 10/10 in each task that has been assigned to him.  "To err is human, To forgive is divine."  At times it happens that a person falls short of input or of some other factor because of which the result is not as per the person's expectations.  But then each individual, who participates in a competition tries to give his best possible input at the time of performing

The most concerning factor about the result is that it is after getting the result a person realizes or a person comes to know about many more things that could have been done to improve the result.  What the person realizes is not the lack of input, but precisely what went wrong with the thought process much before the process of execution because of which he did not get the results as per his own expectations. 

In this competitive age there is always a rise in the competition as each day passes by and it is always very tempting for a person to use shortcut methods which of course is not always the right way of getting things done.  Thus in the process of getting success a person makes use of wrong means and wrong methods. Also in order to get excellent results a person tries to get away from the normal pattern of working out things and falls into the well designed trap of greed, jealousy, power play and the lure of short term gains.

But in all this process if a person in the middle of the way realizes that he still can get under control his greed for power and success and take the right path, then he can mend his ways and move towards the right path the result of which will be that things will start taking the right shape and everything will end on a good note.

But then all the things in the life of a person are not so simple and easy.  It happens that greed, jealousy and hatred are the three factors which can drive a person to an extreme end and the fact that the end result is going to be a disaster is known to all including the person himself at one point of time or another.

Greed means, all that I have is not enough, what I want is still more.  When it comes to wealth, a person is never sure about how much wealth he must have which will be sufficient, it is always a carving for more and more wealth.  The desire to get more wealth then goes on to become an endless journey which finally stops when the person is either on the wrong side or in the wrong company or is caught doing something which is against the law.

Jealousy is a factor which gets into the mind of an individual right from childhood even when as a child one is not able to identify that, yes this is what jelousy means, but of course as a child one is able to feel is completely and express it even more completely.

Whether it is at the time as a child, when an individual is in the schools and college, or whether it is getting a job, the jealousy factor works from childhood to youth and then from youth to old age.  As a youth if your friend has got a very good job, good salary and great perks than naturally as a person you feel jealous of him, but then this is also a sort of a natural feeling, which if handled properly can definitely prevent a person from going on the wrong track.

Finally it is hatred, one person hates another person because of his own personal reasons, but then the hatred of one person can also be dangerous to many.  A person gets hatred in his mind because of his own personal experiences and if he finds answers to the questions that come to his mind when the person is at peace with himself, then it is very much possible that the person can find at least a reason or two that triggered off the process of hating another person.  Thus once a proper logical reasoning is obtained as to why I hate another individual and what can be done to make myself stop from hating another person then the process of thinking in a negative way can be brought to a stop, which in due course of time will stop the thought process of hating another person.

Jealousy, hatred and greed are the factors, which if they are functional, then they can trigger off a process because of which a person can move from the right track to the wrong track, but then it is never too late for a person to identify his weakness and strengths and identify which factor is the one that he can get control of. 

Thus by doing so he can bring things under control, which finally can prevent the happening of big disaster, which many a times can be a a very short distance than the what the individual thinks or knows of.


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